PawLabs™ is dedicated to improving joint health in dogs around the world. We work with the leading veterinarians to formulate the most complete dog joint supplements, supported by the latest research and clinical studies.

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G-Max Joint Support by PawLabs is Different

Our Pawlabs proprietary formula is what makes us stand out. We include 8 vet-recommended key ingredients in precise amounts to ensure safety of use, absorption, and optimal effectiveness to improving your dog's overall joint health and mobility

We combined the effectiveness of glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, and other key ingredients into what many are considering the most effective joint supplement available on the market today.

dog wellness matrix

Our vet Precision Formula

Our veterinarian Precision Formula

Most dog joint supplements aren’t precise with the ratio of ingredients, which can be harmful for dogs. Which is why we're meticulous in creating our vet-recommended formula by using clear-cut doses of our key ingredients, guided by top veterinarians and the latest research.

Learn More About GMax Joint Support >

Fighting the Canine Joint and Obesity Epidemic, as featured in

What Customers Are Saying About G-Max Joint Support

Christin 1 of 49

"I am very impressed with G-Max Joint Support. My 14 yo 88 lbs Mix has severe hip displasia and had a TPLO surgery on his knee when he was 7. I switched from **** to G-Max 6 weeks ago and today he walked 75% of the long walk on his own. Thank you for helping my old man stay happy and active."

Emma 2 of 49

"This January we got our two teenage daughters a pair of German Shepard puppies from two different farm dog litters that were born a week apart. The eldest pup Ricky in the intervening months since has had a number of issues. First we fought to get rid of worms, and discourage obsessive tail chasing. The former being rather straight forward and just a matter of time, the tail chasing we still are managing daily. He’s had a number of injuries occur while out playing and running, that we thought were pulled muscles or a twisted ankle and once we feared a broken shoulder, but when we could finally visit a vet (virus lockdowns) we discovered he had Lyme and the vet believed the Lyme may have been causing inflammation that was causing joint pain. Once the Lyme cleared up the intermittent limping persisted, albeit less severely, despite taking the joint supplement provided by the vet."

Isabelle 3 of 49

"Let me tell you, boy was my skepticism wrong! I was stunned at how quickly Ricky improved, within a week he no longer limped at all, nor whined in discomfort looking for a spot to lay down that didn’t hurt. We started him out taking 4 pills a day, and that first bottle disappeared quickly before I realized in time to reorder a fresh supply. He was without it for 2 weeks before I got us resupplied and within a week started limping and whining again."

Lucas 4 of 49

"I can’t say enough how much this has improved his quality of life. It even seems like it’s also minimized his compulsive tail chasing. He still will turn to chase when he gets excited, but he listens much quicker to verbal correction and doesn’t act like it’s hurting or bothering him & isn’t trying to bite it, just plain chasing."

Jay 5 of 49

"I have an 8 year-old large hound mix and a 12 year-old golden retriever mix. I noticed that the hound was starting to move a little slower and started her in on this products. Six weeks later she is showing no signs of moving slower or being in any kind of discomfort. I'm sold on this product."

Maryann 6 of 49

"I just have to share!!!! My dog Cher is just now on bottle number two of this wonderful product. She's now 13 and is dealing with kidney issues. I am SO HAPPY to say that since she's been taking G-Max she has not lost control once! I can just tell she's feeling so much better. Thank you!"

Benjamin 7 of 49

"I have an 8yo Pomeranian and had trouble walking and standing, also lost his appetite, all this for the pain on his joints. After a week with your supplements, he started to look netter. In less than a month, he's happy again and his appetite is better than before. Thank you so much."

Alex 8 of 49

"So my husband went to work researching and found that your product offered the solution he needed: no fillers, a huge selection of supplements proven effective for joint health, and most of all made in the USA using a cold press method that doesn’t destroy the valuable nutrients we are paying for."

James 9 of 49

"My dog Sam thinks these are treats, and better yet, they've done wonders for his back hips. He's a large Rot and I only need to give him two a day..morning and night, just before chow! My vet recommended Pawlabs G-max joint support beause of the closely monitored ingredients. "

Jaxon 10 of 49

"Just Wanted to thank y'all so much for the difference y'all have made in our little schnauzer gracie, she is a totally renewed dog after taking G-MAX joint supplement, she is back to running and jumping and can now play like she did before THANK YOU!!"

David 11 of 49

"I noticed improvement within a few weeks, but after several months on these pills, she no longer shows any sign of arthritis in her hips and legs. Also, she no longer has to struggle when climbing the stairs."

Anthony 12 of 49

"Once we got him on the supplement again it was a matter of days before he was fully improved again! After 4-6 weeks on 4 per day, we will scale him back to 2 as recommended."

Jayden 13 of 49

"When he told me he ordered something that met all that criteria and what he paid for it I was a bit worried he’d been taken in."

Candy 14 of 49

"Wonderful product, recommended by vet. Economical especially since I have the confidence that the stated therapeutic ingredients are truly in the tablets."

Johannes 15 of 49

"This has been one the most worthwhile investments into his health alongside feeding a raw diet and treating for Lyme."

Michael 16 of 49

"Absolutely recommend this product to all my dog lovers out there and everyone that I personally know!"

John 17 of 49

"I was skeptical at first. It took a little while, but these are definitely working."

Williams 18 of 49

"This product has been a tremendous help for my dog."

Brian 19 of 49

"This has completely changed our 12-year-old dog's life!"

Paul 20 of 49

"This joint supplement really really works!!!"

Christin 21 of 49

"I am very impressed with G-Max Joint Support. My 14 yo 88 lbs Mix has severe hip displasia and had a TPLO surgery on his knee when he was 7. I switched from **** to G-Max 6 weeks ago and today he walked 75% of the long walk on his own. Thank you for helping my old man stay happy and active."

Emma 22 of 49

"This January we got our two teenage daughters a pair of German Shepard puppies from two different farm dog litters that were born a week apart. The eldest pup Ricky in the intervening months since has had a number of issues. First we fought to get rid of worms, and discourage obsessive tail chasing. The former being rather straight forward and just a matter of time, the tail chasing we still are managing daily. He’s had a number of injuries occur while out playing and running, that we thought were pulled muscles or a twisted ankle and once we feared a broken shoulder, but when we could finally visit a vet (virus lockdowns) we discovered he had Lyme and the vet believed the Lyme may have been causing inflammation that was causing joint pain. Once the Lyme cleared up the intermittent limping persisted, albeit less severely, despite taking the joint supplement provided by the vet."

Isabelle 23 of 49

"Let me tell you, boy was my skepticism wrong! I was stunned at how quickly Ricky improved, within a week he no longer limped at all, nor whined in discomfort looking for a spot to lay down that didn’t hurt. We started him out taking 4 pills a day, and that first bottle disappeared quickly before I realized in time to reorder a fresh supply. He was without it for 2 weeks before I got us resupplied and within a week started limping and whining again."

Lucas 24 of 49

"I can’t say enough how much this has improved his quality of life. It even seems like it’s also minimized his compulsive tail chasing. He still will turn to chase when he gets excited, but he listens much quicker to verbal correction and doesn’t act like it’s hurting or bothering him & isn’t trying to bite it, just plain chasing."

Jay 25 of 49

"I have an 8 year-old large hound mix and a 12 year-old golden retriever mix. I noticed that the hound was starting to move a little slower and started her in on this products. Six weeks later she is showing no signs of moving slower or being in any kind of discomfort. I'm sold on this product."

Maryann 26 of 49

"I just have to share!!!! My dog Cher is just now on bottle number two of this wonderful product. She's now 13 and is dealing with kidney issues. I am SO HAPPY to say that since she's been taking G-Max she has not lost control once! I can just tell she's feeling so much better. Thank you!"

Benjamin 27 of 49

"I have an 8yo Pomeranian and had trouble walking and standing, also lost his appetite, all this for the pain on his joints. After a week with your supplements, he started to look netter. In less than a month, he's happy again and his appetite is better than before. Thank you so much."

Alex 28 of 49

"So my husband went to work researching and found that your product offered the solution he needed: no fillers, a huge selection of supplements proven effective for joint health, and most of all made in the USA using a cold press method that doesn’t destroy the valuable nutrients we are paying for."

James 29 of 49

"My dog Sam thinks these are treats, and better yet, they've done wonders for his back hips. He's a large Rot and I only need to give him two a day..morning and night, just before chow! My vet recommended Pawlabs G-max joint support beause of the closely monitored ingredients. "

Jaxon 30 of 49

"Just Wanted to thank y'all so much for the difference y'all have made in our little schnauzer gracie, she is a totally renewed dog after taking G-MAX joint supplement, she is back to running and jumping and can now play like she did before THANK YOU!!"

David 31 of 49

"I noticed improvement within a few weeks, but after several months on these pills, she no longer shows any sign of arthritis in her hips and legs. Also, she no longer has to struggle when climbing the stairs."

Anthony 32 of 49

"Once we got him on the supplement again it was a matter of days before he was fully improved again! After 4-6 weeks on 4 per day, we will scale him back to 2 as recommended."

Jayden 33 of 49

"When he told me he ordered something that met all that criteria and what he paid for it I was a bit worried he’d been taken in."

Candy 34 of 49

"Wonderful product, recommended by vet. Economical especially since I have the confidence that the stated therapeutic ingredients are truly in the tablets."

Johannes 35 of 49

"This has been one the most worthwhile investments into his health alongside feeding a raw diet and treating for Lyme."

Michael 36 of 49

"Absolutely recommend this product to all my dog lovers out there and everyone that I personally know!"

John 37 of 49

"I was skeptical at first. It took a little while, but these are definitely working."

Williams 38 of 49

"This product has been a tremendous help for my dog."

Brian 39 of 49

"This has completely changed our 12-year-old dog's life!"

Paul 40 of 49

"This joint supplement really really works!!!"

David 41 of 49

"I noticed improvement within a few weeks, but after several months on these pills, she no longer shows any sign of arthritis in her hips and legs. Also, she no longer has to struggle when climbing the stairs."

Anthony 42 of 49

"Once we got him on the supplement again it was a matter of days before he was fully improved again! After 4-6 weeks on 4 per day, we will scale him back to 2 as recommended."

Jayden 43 of 49

"When he told me he ordered something that met all that criteria and what he paid for it I was a bit worried he’d been taken in."

Candy 44 of 49

"Wonderful product, recommended by vet. Economical especially since I have the confidence that the stated therapeutic ingredients are truly in the tablets."

Johannes 45 of 49

"This has been one the most worthwhile investments into his health alongside feeding a raw diet and treating for Lyme."

Michael 46 of 49

"Absolutely recommend this product to all my dog lovers out there and everyone that I personally know!"

John 47 of 49

"I was skeptical at first. It took a little while, but these are definitely working."

Williams 48 of 49

"This product has been a tremendous help for my dog."

Brian 49 of 49

"This has completely changed our 12-year-old dog's life!"

Treat joint pain

Mission: Fighting The Canine Joint and Obesity Epidemic

Over half of dogs in the USA are overweight. It is considered to be one of the top dog health concerns by vets as it causes arthritis. We address its first signs by formulating the best arthritis relief for dogs.

Explore The Dog Wellness Matrix >

Benefits of Using G-Max Joint Support Supplement

  • Strengthens joints in older dogs
  • Relieves arthritis and hip dysplasia symptoms
  • Aids healthy cartilage & collagen regeneration
  • Enhances mobility and flexibility
  • Improves overall dog joint health
Try Risk-Free for 60-Days >
Gmax benefits

Unlimited Access
to support experts

FDA Registered


Made in USA

Money Back

Cutting Edge

100% Natural

Top Quality

Safe & Effective